The only one of it’s kind…
Birmingham School of Bell Ringing is currently unique in its approach to bell ringing training. Until now the training of new ringers has always been undertaken by individual churches for their own bands. However, in recent years it has been noted that the quality of training is very variable and in some cases leaves a lot to be desired. The Birmingham School of Bell Ringing is the most comprehensive dedicated bell ringing training programme ever devised.
The School was established in 2013 to professionalise ringing training and provide an environment where students can guarantee that they are taught well, at their own pace, and get to a position where they are a valued member of a local band of ringers.
Our School is run by bell ringers who are all members of the St Martin’s Guild of Church Bell Ringers, a very old Guild, in existence since the 18th century. The Guild draws its members from all bell ringers within the Diocese of Birmingham and because of this there is a wealth of experienced ringers who are keen that ringing continues and improves.